W&J STEM领域的女性: Getting to Know Amanda Holland-Minkley

Created: May 9, 2018  |  Last Updated: 9月tember 15, 2021  |  Category:   |标签:

华盛顿, PA(5月9日), 2018)—While the world of STEM careers may have originally been a boys’ club, more and more women are pursuing their passions and making an impact in these fields, with many getting their education right here at 华盛顿 & 杰佛逊学院&J)! 向强者致敬, intelligent women who are defying gender stereotypes in the workplace, we’re highlighting a few of our own in a new series on W&J STEM领域的女性.

阿曼达·霍兰德-明克利博士.D., is a professor in the Department of Computing and Information Studies (CIS). She teaches courses in programming, 游戏开发, 安全, 人工智能, other computer science topics. 她目前的兴趣包括通过使用眼动追踪技术分析界面和人工制品,以及研究本科计算机教育的有效教学法.

澳门葡京博彩软件问博士. Holland-Minkley about her work in computing and her path to W&J. Check out what she had to say!

How did you become interested/involved in your field of study?

I’ve always liked science and went to college intending to be a physics major, 但在大学二年级的时候,我被说服选修了一门编译课程(我的导师告诉我,他们从来没有让女性上过这门课,于是我上了诱饵)。. 我迷上了计算机科学中数学理论和工程实现的结合,于是换了专业. 我大学四年级的时候, 我有机会做一个关于人工智能的荣誉项目,从那以后我一直在做人工智能研究, particularly focusing on natural language processing. It’s been an exciting discipline to be in, because new techniques and results are coming out nearly every day, you can see how it is changing our world. 虽然, 这些变化也清醒地提醒人们,科学家在从事研究时对社会负有责任.

Who are some of your role models or inspirations in the field?

Computer science (CS) is still a relatively young field, 因此,我的大多数榜样都是那些在事业上比我领先几步的女性——大学或研究生院的同学,她们通过竞争和辩护取得了成功. I was also fortunate enough to have an inspiring mentor in Dr. 康奈尔大学的莉莲·李. She’s done amazing work in natural language processing, 但我也能够在她为工科新生开设的课程上担任助教,这门课程旨在介绍计算机科学的基本原理,而无需编程. 这是一门与我以前学过的完全不同的计算机课程,和她谈论她是如何设计这门课程的,对我自己的教学产生了影响.

What challenges do women face in your field? What challenges have you faced and how did you overcome them?

女性不仅在计算机科学领域的代表性不足,而且越来越少. 如果你回到80年代中期,女性在计算机科学领域的比例和在数学领域的比例差不多. But at the same time as the tech industry grew, the proportion of women in the field has dropped to lower than any other STEM field except, 根据一些说法, 工程.

在科技行业最近的一些报道中,你可以看到这种情况的一些后果,有些人甚至怀疑这种代表性不足的问题是一个需要解决的问题,并认为这只是反映了女性缺乏天生的能力或兴趣. 根据我的经验, 与我讨论过这个问题的计算机科学领域的女性都在她们的学习或职业生涯的某个阶段面临着对她们的能力或对这门学科兴趣的合法性的否认. The effect can be isolating if you don’t have a good network of support around you, 考虑到你经常是这门课上唯一的女性,这是一个特别的挑战, 在一个研究团队中, 或者在一个部门. 就我个人而言, 我发现拥有在其他领域工作的朋友是非常宝贵的,我可以向他们求助,他们可以提供一个局外人的视角.

作为一个团队中唯一的女性也会加剧人们在各个学科中看到的一些性别模式. 女性通常倾向于负责团队的后勤维护——协调会议, 记笔记, keeping people informed or included, supporting social cohesion. 当只有一个女人的时候, 那都是她的责任, even when she “doesn’t mind,结果可能是大量的额外工作,而没有相应数量的额外学分. 有时, 这种工作分配可能会传递一个微妙的信息,即女性无法在工作的技术方面做出充分的贡献. 除了让每个人——男人和女人——注意到这种趋势之外,我认为没有什么好的解决办法.

What made you want to teach others about your field?

I think that computer science is a misunderstood field. It still isn’t taught consistently in high schools and when it is, there is a lot of variation in what is included. Many people think computer science is programming, but programming is just a tool we use to do computer science. I think if more people understood that, we would have a greater diversity of people entering the field. 我试着教一些课程,向学生展示澳门葡京博彩软件在计算机科学中解决的问题类型,以及计算机科学解决的问题与使用技术的人的经验之间的关系.

关于计算机教学,我最喜欢的事情之一是将计算机科学与其他学科联系起来的机会. 在我几乎所有的课程中, I have a mix of majors and non-majors, 我的非专业学生总是帮助我在他们的学习和CIS课程内容之间找到很好的联系. 当我能够把来自CIS和其他专业的学生聚集在一起做有趣的项目时,这是我职业生涯的一个真正的亮点. 这些跨学科的团队似乎总是比只有计算机专业的团队取得更令人印象深刻的成果——我有一个CIS专业和一个社会学专业的学生在一个CS会议上赢得了研究海报比赛,一个由CIS和生物学学生组成的跨学科团队赢得了一个地区黑客马拉松. These experiences make me passionate about teaching all students, 不仅仅是CIS学生, 关于计算.

What advice do you have for young women interested in STEM studies?

Don’t be afraid to try things out and fail a little bit. If you are only taking on challenges you know you can master, you’re holding yourself back. Ultimately, the things you can do are more important than the grades you earn. Seek out opportunities to work on projects – with faculty, 与同学, 通过实习或REU, 或者只是你自己想出的一个想法——你会惊讶地发现有多少教员会支持你尝试你的想法. If you’re interested in computer science, get comfortable messing around with your computer, whether that means trying out some coding tutorials, setting up your own web domain, 或者更换内存. 把你的电脑看作是一个你可以控制的工具,而不是一个指示你应该如何工作的工具,这需要练习.

而且,不管你对哪一种STEM感兴趣,一定要参加一些计算机课程! Even if you think it isn’t for you, studying STEM increasingly requires developing your computing skills, you might find out along the way that you enjoy it. 我的一些最成功的独联体女学生在进入技术中心之前已经从其他科学领域开始.

This article is part of a larger series on W&J STEM领域的女性. Get to know some of our other professors: Dr. 爱丽丝李Dr. 詹妮弗BaylineDr. 黛博拉Polvani介绍Dr. 凯利WeixelDr. 羊人多尔蒂, Dr. 珍妮克莱恩.

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