
Created: June 30, 2017  |  Last Updated: 9月tember 1, 2020  |  Category: ,   |标签: ,

安吉尔·威尔斯96年 (左)和 Dr. 史黛西·莱恩,97年 at Central Outreach Wellness Clinic. The two have been friends since their time as pre-med students at W&和现在一起工作.

Rigorous pre-med curriculum leads two alumnae to healthcare success

Since she was a child, her father had told 史黛西·莱恩,97年 她会成为一名医生.

At times she wasn’t sure how she would get there. 她在匹兹堡的克拉夫顿高地社区长大,家里有七个孩子,她排行老二. 她的父亲生病了,所以住在一个街区外的叔叔经常以父亲的身份介入.


“A lot of it was driven by the chip on my shoulder,” 车道 said. “I was going to prove everybody wrong and show them I could be successful. Come hell or high water I was going to be a doctor.”

她知道W&J在帮助学生为医学院做准备方面有很好的声誉,她决定进入医学院作为实现她目标的一种手段. The annual cost of tuition at the time was more than her mother made in a year. Thankfully, 车道 received financial assistance that enabled her to attend W&J with minor out-of-pocket costs.

车道, a first-generation college student, didn’t feel prepared academically for the pre-med curriculum at W&J but she worked hard and made it through. 她感到不断的压力,努力在课堂上取得成功,实现进入医学院的目标.

“It wasn’t a party time for us,” said 车道. “It was literally the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life. W&J was harder than medical school.”

Other circumstances made her college career more difficult.

Her uncle was diagnosed with AIDS when she was a senior in high school, but he told his family it was cancer at the time. 大一的时候,在一次回家的路上,当她发现他的药物时,她发现自己得了艾滋病. He passed away from the disease in 1995.

她充满挑战的本科生活的好处是,当她进入医学院时, 她觉得准备充分,做得很好. She went to Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine, did her residency in internal medicine at Mercy Hospital, 并在马里兰大学医学中心完成了传染病研究.

在实习期间,莱恩对内城问题的经验给她带来了好处. 她能够同情她的病人,理解他们来自哪里,以及他们面临的问题. 这种心态很好地转化为她目前的实践,她为LGBTQ社区和那些有感染艾滋病毒风险的人服务.

在担任阿勒格尼总医院阳性健康诊所主任期间,以及在阿勒格尼县卫生局任职期间,她一直专注于艾滋病毒护理. She had a private practice in infectious disease in the 俄亥俄州 Valley, 但她想开一家诊所,更好地为她治疗过的几百名病人服务. 通过她的人脉,她为一家LGBTQ健康诊所找到了拨款, which is now in the second year of a five-year grant.

“This is really a dream come true,” 车道 said of her clinic.

中央健康外展诊所现在为匹兹堡地区近2000名患者提供服务. 去年11月,莱恩在华盛顿开设了第二家诊所,因为他看到有必要离从西弗吉尼亚州甚至更远的地方来的病人更近一些.

而莱恩努力为她的病人提供一个开放的环境,在那里他们不会因为他们是谁或他们做出的选择而被评判, this at times has brought the judgment of others to her door. 去年2月,她在北岸诊所外的牌子被仇恨言论污损.

“I don’t have anybody to impress. 除了我的病人,我对任何人都没有义务,我必须善待他们。.

While 车道 focused on academics during her college years, she did develop a deep connection with one classmate in particular, 安吉尔·威尔斯96年.

“I just loved her from the first moment I met her,” Wells said of 车道. “澳门葡京博彩软件只是一拍即合。.”

莱恩和威尔斯来自相似的家庭背景和相似的社区,这使他们走到了一起. They bonded through the demanding classwork of the pre-med program.

参加过的油井&在回到她的家乡克利夫兰帮助她的母亲照顾生病的祖父母之前,她在J工作了三年. Wells completed her degree online, 她和莱恩一直保持联系,直到莱恩继续读医学院,而威尔斯转投医疗行业.

After completing her bachelor’s degree in business administration, she earned an MBA and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in public health with a focus on community health education.

Wells started her own healthcare consulting company in 2015 after years working for various companies and as a consultant; she now handles billing for 16 different clients across several states covering a wide range of specialties. She has been working in medical coding for almost two decades, 将医疗信息翻译成用于计费和保险目的的代码, and is a certified professional coder.

Wells作为Bryant的兼职教员分享了她在医疗编码方面的知识 & 在克利夫兰地区的斯特拉顿学院任教,多年来一直在其他机构任教.

“它每天都在变化. The rules, the regulations… the codes change every year,” she said.

She credits the pre-med experience at W&J with helping her find success in her career. 她在科学和解剖学方面的背景使她能够深入了解代码背后的情况,这是她所在领域许多人所不具备的. 当她和医生谈话的时候, she understands their work as someone who was preparing to go to medical school.

Wells was recently in Pittsburgh to celebrate the success of another W&朋友和同学. She attended The Maurice Cleveland Waltersdorf Awards lunch for 凯尼恩·邦纳,94年 in March along with several of her peers. Bonner and Wells both came from Cleveland and though they hadn’t met before W&J, they connected immediately when they met on campus. (For more on Bonner, see page 27.)

While 车道 and Wells were never out of touch, 当莱恩开办诊所时,她想把账单公司换成她知道她可以信任的人. 自2016年2月以来,威尔斯一直在为莱恩的诊所处理账单和资格认证, bringing the two friends closer in their daily life.

W的力量&两位医学预科生之间的联系和纽带继续蓬勃发展,丰富了两位女性在事业上的成功, and impact the healthcare community in Pennsylvania, 俄亥俄州, 及以后.

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